"Honey Wall"
/The new popular term for honey on a frame, a “honey wall.” (Photo by Celeste)
“Charlotte I saw a photo from the Kardashians Thanksgiving meal featuring what they called a honey wall. I know you’re a beekeeper do you happen to know what that is?’ Thanks for your help, enjoy your blog.” — Celeste
“Honey Wall”
Hi Celeste,
Glad you enjoy the blog. Why yes, I know what a “honey wall” is, that’s a fancy name for a frame of capped honey.
Bees store flower nectar they dehydrate and cap with wax for winter food. It takes 2 million flowers to make 1 pound of honey. That medium frame of honey weighs 3-5 lbs so that could represent the nectar of 10 million flowers.
When I travelled through Europe a few years ago, hotels where we stayed had a frame of honey like this one on their breakfast bar.
In this country, our local bee club sometimes has a frame of honey available for sampling during their honey tasting contest. Both the honey and wax capping can be consumed on toast, bagels and biscuits.
i did a search for the term and didn’t see “honey wall” being a frame of served honey so this may be a new fancy term.