Chemicals & Bees Get Along?
/A colony of Italian honeybees at the entrance of one of my Bluebird Gardens bee hives.
Do Chemicals and Bees Get Along
“I have been using chemicals on my garden plants for years. Can I add honeybees?” – Jordan
Overuse of chemicals in home gardens is one of the leading causes of bee decline in North America, along with loss of plant diversity and pests and diseases, the main culprit being the vampire-like varroa destructor mite.
You don’t want to get honeybees only to have them die from chemical exposure so if I had to give you a direct answer, I would not recommend it.
Depending on what chemicals you have been using, residue will remain in your plants and soil and affect whatever bees you bring in.
Have you seen any other pollinators, such as butterflies and native bees in your garden? If not, then that should tell you once and for all the conditions are not safe for honeybees.