Top Beekeeping Gift Idea
/Leather gloves are important beekeeping safety equipment, these have been well worn.
"If you had one beekeeping gift idea, what would it be?" -- Cheryl
Top Beekeeping Gift Idea
Hi Cheryl, my top beekeeping gift idea is a good pair of goat leather beekeeping gloves. You can find them at most farm and home centers that carry basic beekeeping equipment. If they don't have goat skin, then cow leather will work, the idea is you want gloves made from something that will make it hard for a bee to sting through it.
You certainly can give bee hives and tools but a pair of gloves is not only special but personal. Every beekeeper should have a pair of these heavy duty leather beekeeping gloves as part of their safety equipment. Not all beekeepers use them all of the time but when they are needed, there is no other substitute.
Local Honey Jar
If you want to add a little something more, or looking for something for a stocking, how about a jar of honey from one of your local beekeepers.
A hive tool is another basic beekeeper's tool, no beekeeper ever has too many.
Beekeeper Hive Tool
Another gift option is to add a beekeeper's "hive tool," the basic metal shaped tool to open hives and move frames. Every beekeeper needs at least 2 because inevitably one is left in the garden, or worse yet, inside a hive, and we really can't do much without one.
If you are buying for someone starting out, you can't go wrong with picking one that fits your gift budget.
Ship Overnight after December 10
Some suppliers may also be able to get you a pair shipped in time for Christmas. After December 10, I recommend shipping overnight since shipping carriers are very busy with orders and they can't guarantee delivery by Christmas after December 10.
And no, a good pair of gardening gloves will not work well for beekeeping, trust me.
Merry Christmas!