Custom Bee Pillow

Before I ever had honeybees, I found this charming unfinished vintage crewel embroidered pink clover and honeybee  sampler at an auction.

I have always loved pink clover, which has the three-lobed leaves and usually blooms from spring into summer.I try not to remove anything growing in my garden, even transplanting some that were getting trampled on during house repairs.

The sampler sat for years in my project basket until I had my first two bee hives. To celebrate, I decided to make a custom throw pillow out of it. I didn't change the sampler size, I just cut a complimentary green cotton fabric for a backing and stitched the two together inside out. Leaving a 4-inch opening, I turned it inside out, filled it with stuffing and hand-sewed the opening closed.

It now keeps my favorite chair company where I often sit to read books on, what else - honeybees!
