Do bees hibernate?
/bluebird gardens apiary south, with bees in the hives wrapped in black. (Charlotte Ekker wiggins photo)
Do Bees Hibernate?
Do bees hibernate is the most-asked question I get from non-beekeepers. Although it makes sense to think those tiny creatures would conserve energy over winter by hibernating…well, let’s take a look under a hive cover and see what is happening.
Bees can’t fly when temperatures are 40F and below. Their wing muscles can’t move at those temperatures so if they fly out of the hive at 40F or below, they literally fall to the ground and die of exposure.
On the other hand if the winter is mild, they are consuming large quantities of honey to fuel them as they fly around looking for something to do.
The best temperature for bees ranges around 45-50F when they stay in a cluster ball and consume honey only to keep tthem warm and alive until temperatures get warmer.