When to Unwrap Bee Hives
/Missouri welcomed spring 2016 with a good dusting of snow covering a "sprung" garden.
One of the frequent discussions I have with my beekeeping friends is when to uncover my winterized bee hives. As soon as the weather warms and the sun comes out, both bees, and beekeepers, seem impatient to get a start on the most exciting of seasons for beekeepers. Winter can be a very long wait away from spending time with our bees.
Although I am as impatient as the next beekeeper, I have lived in Missouri long enough to know our weather is precarious at best. Adding our rapidly changing climate to the mix means today it is even harder to have a reliable seasonal weather pattern, and forecast.
As the first day of spring rolled around, I was not among beekeepers taking the winter, quilted plastic wrap off my hives. I was glad I didn't. I woke up the first day of spring to snow blanketing my garden but my girls were warm in their hive homes.
Sometimes it does pay to wait.