Hello, Henbit!
/Hardy henbit grows everywhere including in rock walls.
Hello, Henbit!
Of all of the first flowers of spring, henbit is a bee, and beekeepers, favorite. Although many in the midwest consider henbit a weed, it is actually an herb.
Henbit grows by roadsides, in cropland, pastures, in waste areas, in gardens, and on lawns. It is often one of the first spring plants to offer bees a generous source of pollen.
Henbit prefers light, dry soil and cultivated soil. It tends to grow in bald spots and works well to prevent soil erosion.
This edible plant originated in Eurasia and Northern Africa. It also grows in Australia, South America, western Asia, Greenland, and throughout Canada and the United States.
Henbit can be consumed fresh or cooked as an edible herb, and it can be used in teas.
For bees, henbit is an invaluable source of spring pollen so let it grow in your garden.